“Your rock bottom becomes the turning point when you declare ‘I am ready to change.’”

About Michael Molthan
While Michael Molthan, otherwise known as M2 The Rock, achieved great success as one of the most sought after luxury home builders, a Substance Abuse Disorder (SUD) led him down a destructive path. Twenty-seven arrests and a bout with homelessness later, it wasn’t until a nearly four-year jail sentence that he could finally see clearly. There was not just one rock bottom, but many. Today, M2 The Rock draws from Michael’s personal experiences and uses his magnetic, relatable personality to inspire others to guide and empower you through this transformative journey, demonstrating that your rock bottom can be the stepping stone to a life of fulfillment and purpose.
M2 The Rock Services
M2 The Rock Services offers a wide range of support for both Substance Abuse Disorder (SUD) victims and their families with specialized counselors to help aid in the recovery of Substance Abuse Disorder victims and those suffering with mental health issues.