

Michael's Story

Michael Molthan, otherwise known as M2 the Rock, achieved great success as the nation's largest luxury home builder. However, Substance Use Disorder (SUD) led him down a destructive path. Twenty-seven arrests and a bout with homelessness later, it wasn’t until a nearly four-year jail sentence that he could finally see clearly. Michael’s time behind bars led to a profound spiritual awakening.

Substance Use Disorder (SUD) is not made up of just one rock bottom, but many. People struggling with Substance Use Disorder (SUD), like Michael, can use their lived experiences as a stepping stone to a greater life.

With storytelling sprinkled with Michael’s personal experiences and inspired by his magnetic, relatable personality, the motivational speaker now uses his rock bottoms to mentor and inspire others toward recovery.

In addition to motivational content, M2 the Rock has expanded its platform through the creation of a charity offering resources and services to those in need. M2 the Rock Services provides connections to Michael and other Certified Recovery Coaches as well as other resources so that those struggling with substance use disorders (SUD) are inspired to raise their own rock bottom.

Michael's Timeline

Golf Caddy

Michael worked as a caddy on the PGA tour for years.

Luxury Home Builder

Michael worked as one of the nation's most sought after home builders.

Substance Use Disorder (SUD)

Substance Use Disorder (SUD) caused Michael's life to spiral out of control.


The use of drugs and alcohol caught up to Michael by the way of DUI's and arrests.

Jail Time

After 27 arrests, Michael had to serve time behind bars which lead him to his spiritual awakening, leading him to change his ways.

M2 The Rock

Michael was eventually released early after helping his fellow inmates read and come to the realization that life had more to offer. Michael was compelled to begin helping others outside of jail to recover from similar addictions.


By supporting M2 The Rock, you help break the stigma surrounding Substance Abuse Disorder (SUD). Your donation promotes a culture of compassion, understanding, and acceptance, encouraging individuals to seek help without fear of judgment.